Host Ron Fleitz talks with people across the Diocese of Nashville to talk about the various programs and exciting people who make up the exciting Catholic community in middle Tennessee.
Hear it Mondays at 11am and 5pm.
Or catch up on the weekends. Saturday at 8am and Sunday at 2pm
All shows are now available on your favorite podcast app, or listen to the episodes below. Also see many of the shows on our Youtube channel.
Around The Diocese - History of our Early African American Church
Around The Diocese - Regional K of C Insurance Daniel Schachle
Around The Diocese - Mary Margaret Lambert
Around The Diocese - Nashville Marion Conference
Around The Diocese - Dynamic Catholic w Matt Scherr
Around The Diocese - Parish - St. Rose of Lima
Around The Diocese - The Deacons
Around The Diocese - Catholic Schools
Around The Diocese - K of C Insurance
Around The Diocese - St. Stephen Kid's Day
Around The Diocese - The Knights of Columbus
Around The Diocese - Cursillo
Around The Diocese - What Is A Diocese